How Pharmacy Procurement Affects Patient Satisfaction
How you purchase can have a huge impact on what your patients experience. Learn why optimizing procurement leads to satisfied...
Ideas for a Smarter Pharmacy
The Prescription is SureCost's pharmacy experts’ thoughts, updates and observations on issues and trends affecting pharmacies across the nation. Read The Prescription to learn how to navigate the complex pharmacy environment and continue making smarter pharmacy decisions.
How you purchase can have a huge impact on what your patients experience. Learn why optimizing procurement leads to satisfied...
In this preview of our latest white paper, we show you how to automate three core manual purchasing processes so you save money...
In this preview of our latest white paper, we introduce how to drive prescription drug profitability. Download the white paper for...
Your pharmacy may not be able to avoid drug shortages, but you can ensure they don't affect affect patients, staff or operations....
To stay competitive in today's pharmacy industry, you have to do more than just find the lowest price on prescription products.
Next November, DSCSA will require pharmacies to verify and record product identification information at the package level for most...
Smith Pharmacy uses smarter purchasing to find the best options for their patients and their business.
Rebates can help your pharmacy's bottom line. But are you certain you're making the most out of your rebates?
Learn how to maximize your pharmacy's inventory management for high impact and efficiency.
GPOs offer pharmacies numerous benefits that extend beyond monetary savings. Whether you have used a GPO for years or you're new...