Pharmacy Purchasing Management

Webinar Replay: Three Ways to Maximize Rebates with Compliance Insights

Watch the recording of "3 Ways to Maximize Rebates With Compliance Insights," hosted by Drug Store News and featuring SureCost's expert team.

Calvin Hunsicker

Calvin Hunsicker

Calvin is a former pharmacy owner who decided there needed to be a better way for pharmacies to purchase smarter. This led him to found SureCost and serve as the Chief Product Officer, guiding innovation at SureCost. With over three decades of pharmacy experience, Calvin is excited to share some key insights on the best way to save time and money through purchasing smarter. Calvin works with pharmacies across the country to set the vision at SureCost. Our mission is to ensure pharmacy teams save more, stay compliant and work smarter.

Watch the recording of our recent webinar "3 Ways to Maximize Rebates With Compliance Insights," hosted by Drug Store News, featuring SureCost's expert team: Danielle Dinglasan, product marketing manager, along with product managers Chase Ferguson and Laura Copeland. Gain practical strategies and expert advice to optimize your rebates and ensure compliance in your operations.

Webinar Replay: Three Ways to Maximize Rebates with Compliance Insights


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